Insightful Touch

Andrea Kennedy, LMP

Services and Rates

Spring Special:

$20 off when you schedule any 2 Services between:

3/1/25 - 4/2/25 

Schedule Now



How to decide which appointment length to choose:

For most of us to find health, we need a nervous system reset every so often. A reset that moves us away from "Fight or Flight" and toward "Rest and Digest". Once we feel safe and relaxed, we let go.
We find respite. We heal.

Bodywork sessions at Insightful Touch are designed to effectively help you release pain, stress and dis-ease while your nervous system resets.

This is where magic happens.

This is when we enter the space of healing.  

This is where we are able to let go.


this type of bodywork takes time.

It takes time for you to feel safe enough to let go and heal.

All of this to say:
To be effective, I work slowly.

You will be encouraged to connect to your breath as you deeply relax and release pain, stress, tension and dis-ease. Tension and pain sometimes releases quickly, sometimes slowly. We never know what we will accomplish during a session. Because of the slow paced nature of this work, a longer session is encouraged
It is my experience that 60 Min sessions are too rushed for most people to achieve a reset. The Nervous System, it seems, just begins to relax, release and deeply re-connect, after about 45 minutes. Longer sessions are often needed to fully integrate the work and to add necessary grounding and energetic techniques.

 75 minute sessions (1 & 1/4 hr) work very well for most people. Choose this length of appointment for your weekly or monthly maintenance appointments.

90min-120min appointments are best if it's been more than 3 months since your last bodywork and/or you have a chronic/complex issue that needs more attention. Of course many clients choose 90min sessions for all appointments because they are just that good. 

Thank you for trusting me for your bodywork needs. It is my absolute honor to serve you. 

Book an appointment

A quick note about Deep Tissue Massage. Deep tissue Massage is misunderstood as a modality. It is my experience that our bodies do not need extreme pressure in order to release. Many therapists and clients are injuring themselves and others by thinking bodywork is a "no pain no gain" process. This cannot be more untrue. The body will not release when it is experiencing pain. A skillful and experienced therapist has many tools to help with muscles are tight and need to let go. An elbow is rarely the tool chosen by these therapists. I will go as deeply as the tissue allows without causing the opposite effect. I encourage my clients to let me know if the massage feels painful. Because it is never my intention to harm, I need to know if you are experiencing pain. If you want a deeper massage than I am willing to provide, please let me know and I will refer you to a colleague that specializes in a deeper approach. 


Bodywork$90 / 60 minutes
Bodywork$110 / 75 minutes
Bodywork$130 / 90 minutes
Bodywork$170 / 120 minutes